Seriously Strong Thumbs
Part I
In this video, I mention Biofeedback and the Gym Movement protocol. While this is not exactly the same thing as More on Workout of the Month – November – Seriously Strong Thumbs
Filed under Blob Training, Block Weight Training, pinch, Thumb Strength by siteadmin
This is a demonstration with the Climber Pinch, made by Chris Rice.
If anyone is interested in getting one of these, please leave me a More on The Climber Pinch
Filed under pinch, Thumb Strength by siteadmin
I have a SICK SICK SICK workout for you guys this month.
Block Weight Wrist Curls
Emphasis: Wrist, Hand, Thumb
Plan: 3 to 5 sets More on October 2010 Workout of the Month
Filed under Extensors, Hand Health, Members Only Videos, pinch, Thumb Strength, Wrist by siteadmin
There’s no reason to wait. You might as well shoot for the stars and go after one of the biggest grip feats that are out More on December Workout of the Month
Filed under Members Only Articles, pinch, Thumb Strength by siteadmin