Todd writes:
“Hey Jedd,
This is probably not exactly what you were looking for, but I’ve always thought it would be cool if you filmed More on Training with Napalm’s Nightmare
A couple of my old lifting partners reached out to me recently to be on their podcast, Becoming Ronin. Jim Smith is who I started More on World Class Grip Podcast – Becoming Ronin
Filed under Beginner Grip Training, Fottball, MMA, Sport Specific by siteadmin
I just set up this table like I use for my body training.
I plan on working on a system for adapting Conjugate Powerlifting Training More on Conjugate Grip Training – Something New I’m Working On
Filed under Beginner Grip Training, Members Only Videos, Program Layout by siteadmin
A few weeks back I was interviewed by Kyle Hunt of Absolute Strength. He is from the same town where I did a lot of More on Interview with Jedd – How I Got Started Training and Into Grip
Filed under Audios, Beginner Grip Training, Interviews, Members Only Audio by siteadmin
Ever hit a nice easy lift, and then throw 10 pounds on there and it feels like someone activated an electro-magnet beneath your loading pin, More on “Shocking” Big Jumps
Filed under Beginner Grip Training, grip contest competition contests competitions, grip equipment, grip sport, Members Only Videos, pinch by siteadmin
Today, I’m sharing 3 key grip drills that my program thrives on. These are staple methods of training for me.
I describe these training methods More on 3 Best Grip Drills You Should Start Doing
Filed under Beginner Grip Training, Blob Training, Block Weight Training, Feats of Strength, grip sport, Members Only Videos, Two Hand Pinch by siteadmin
Here is an interview I did a couple years ago with Josh Hewitt
Hopefully, we cover some cool details that help you out with your More on Grip Strength and Feats of Strength Interview
Filed under Beginner Grip Training, Feats of Strength, grip contest competition contests competitions, grip sport, Interviews, Members Only Videos by siteadmin
Last week, I sent out an invite to everyone involved in The Grip Authority, Team Napalm, and Grip Task Force for a live call-in coaching More on 2 QnA Coaching Calls for TGA and TN:
Filed under Beginner Grip Training, Coaching Calls, Injury Prevention, Member Questions, Members Only Audio, Recovery Healing Prevention, Sport Specific by siteadmin
Does it make sense to train ALL types of Grip?
Are there some that make more sense than others.
Allen Heineck recently asked questions along More on Member Question: Does It Make Sense to Train This or Not?
Filed under Beginner Grip Training, Block Weight Training, grip contest competition contests competitions, grip sport, Grippers, Member Questions, Members Only Videos by siteadmin
It was 2002, and I still wasn’t fully convinced about all this Grip Training stuff.
Since my main reason for lifting was building muscle, it More on Article: How to Build Grip Strength
Filed under Beginner Grip Training, Members Only Articles by siteadmin