A few weeks back I was interviewed by Kyle Hunt of Absolute Strength. He is from the same town where I did a lot of More on Interview with Jedd – How I Got Started Training and Into Grip
Filed under Audios, Beginner Grip Training, Interviews, Members Only Audio by siteadmin
Here is an interview I did a couple years ago with Josh Hewitt
Hopefully, we cover some cool details that help you out with your More on Grip Strength and Feats of Strength Interview
Filed under Beginner Grip Training, Feats of Strength, grip contest competition contests competitions, grip sport, Interviews, Members Only Videos by siteadmin
Filed under Beginner Grip Training, Extensors, Feats of Strength, grip contest competition contests competitions, grip sport, Interviews, Members Only Videos, Miscellaneous, Sport Specific by siteadmin
I was recently interviewed by Tyler Bramlett of GarageWarrior.com.
Throw this into your ipod or mp3 player for something to listen to in the car, More on Interview – Develop the Strongest Hands in the World
Filed under Coaching Calls, Interviews by siteadmin
I recently traveled to Sorinex for Summer Strong #4 and had the chance to sit down and have a nice one-on-one talk with Richard Sorin. More on Things I Taught Richard Sorin
Filed under Baseball Grip Training, Members Only Videos, Open Hand Strength, Thumb Strength by siteadmin
Hey guys,
This is an article that I originally planned on posting at Dragondoor regarding an interesting “discovery” I made in a recent kettlebell training More on Radiant Tension Experiment
Filed under Crush, Full Body Feats, kettlebell training, kettlebells, Members Only Articles, Members Only Videos, Radiant Tension by siteadmin