Once again, as I said in the recent email to you all (hopefully you received it) I’ve been sick off and on since the Sunday More on November 2017 Workout of the Month
Filed under Credit Card Set, Crush, Crushed to Dust, CTD, gripper, Grippers, Hub Lifting, Members Only Videos, Open Hand Strength, Rolling Thunder, Workouts by siteadmin
Part 1: Introduction & Part 2: Beginner Training
Part 3: Other Helpful Grip Work
Part 4: Set Technique
Part 5: Set Specific Strength
Part 6: More on Operation: Gripper Certification (FREE for TGA Members)
Filed under Bonuses, Credit Card Set, Crush, gripper, Grippers, Members Only Videos, Test Drives by siteadmin
There are many key factors of Gripper Technique that everyone must do correctly in order to maximize their Crush Grip potential.
These points can vary More on Gripper Technique Pointers for Credit Card Sets
Filed under Coaching Points, Crush, gripper, Grippers, Members Only Videos by siteadmin