advanced lifting technique
January 31, 2023
I’ve said many times, the best thing that ever happened to my Grip Training was getting my friend, Luke Raymond, as a partner.
He has More on Length-Tension Relationships for Stronger Gripping
Filed under Blob Training, Block Weight Training, Crush, Crushed to Dust, Crusher, CTD, Dub Hub, FBBC Crusher, grip contest competition contests competitions, gripper, Grippers, Hub Lifting, Inch Dumbbell, Little Big Horn, Members Only Videos, One Hand Pinch, Open Hand Strength, Plate Pinching, Rolling Handles, Rolling Thunder, Shallow Hub, Silver Bullet, Stub, Technique, Thick Bar, Two Hand Pinch, Vertical Bar, Vertical Bar Lifting, vulcan, vulcan gripper, What's Working Now, Wrist Wrench by siteadmin