Freestyle Hub is in King Kong this year. I have never trained this grip on the IronMind Hub, so I wasn’t sure about technique.
Chris Streeper signed up for a Coaching Call this week and he recorded parts of it. He sent me the segments and I uploaded it More on Gripper Set and Rolling Handle Lifting Technique Pointers
Filed under Coaching Calls, Coaching Points, Crush, Crushed to Dust, Crusher, CTD, FBBC Crusher, grip contest competition contests competitions, grip sport, gripper, Grippers, Member Questions, Members Only Videos, Rolling Handles, Rolling Thunder, Technique by siteadmin
Filed under Blob Training, Block Weight Training, grip sport, Members Only Videos, pinch, Technique by siteadmin
After some scrutiny and the need for repeatability, I have modified my technique on Little Big Horn, and my most recent training session seems to More on “New” Little Big Horn Technique
Filed under Little Big Horn, Members Only Videos, Technique by siteadmin
I really have to apologize for not getting this out there sooner. Luke made a suggestion on my Grip when he came back to start More on How I Take My Grip on Double Shallow Inch Pinch
Filed under Double Shallow Inch Pinch, Key Pinch, Technique, What's Working Now by siteadmin
Chaz came up and one of the feats he’s interested in is the 2x45s pinch, so I gave him a little walk-through of how I More on Walking Through 2x45s Pinch Technique with Chaz Strange
Filed under Feats of Strength, Members Only Videos, pinch, Plate Pinching, Technique by siteadmin
This past weekend at Maryland’s Strongest Hands, I made a serious technical error on the Silver Bullet.
Can you point it out?
The video angle More on Can You Point Out My Technical Error?
Filed under Crush, grip contest competition contests competitions, grip sport, gripper, Grippers, Members Only Videos, Miscellaneous, Silver Bullet, Technique by siteadmin
For years, you’ve seen how much I deload implements and feat items in order to develop the strength to lift them.
Today, I’ve got something More on A New Way to Deload Blobs and Inch Dumbbells
Filed under Beginner Grip Training, Blob Training, Block Weight Training, Deloading, Exercise Demonstrations, Feats of Strength, grip contest competition contests competitions, grip sport, Home Made Equipment, Inch Dumbbell, Loose Pinch, Member Questions, Members Only Videos, Miscellaneous, One Hand Pinch, Technique, What's Working Now by siteadmin