Freestyle Hub is in King Kong this year. I have never trained this grip on the IronMind Hub, so I wasn’t sure about technique.
Chris Streeper signed up for a Coaching Call this week and he recorded parts of it. He sent me the segments and I uploaded it More on Gripper Set and Rolling Handle Lifting Technique Pointers
Filed under Coaching Calls, Coaching Points, Crush, Crushed to Dust, Crusher, CTD, FBBC Crusher, grip contest competition contests competitions, grip sport, gripper, Grippers, Member Questions, Members Only Videos, Rolling Handles, Rolling Thunder, Technique by siteadmin
Filed under Blob Training, Block Weight Training, grip sport, Members Only Videos, pinch, Technique by siteadmin
Get your copy here: Napalm Nightmare Program
Discount Code for TGA: TGA10 – This will give you a 10$ discount on the program.
Filed under Napalm Nightmare Pinch, Napalm's Nightmare, Napalms Nightmare by siteadmin
Filed under Beginner Grip Training, grip contest competition contests competitions, grip sport, Members Only Videos, Performance Tips by siteadmin
Hey, Jedd. Does training with a gripper or perhaps extensor bands in a gooseneck or slight flexion position benefit in tendon strength, general More on TGA QnA: Gooseneck Gripper Training? Yes or No?
Filed under Crush, gripper, Grippers, Injury Prevention, Member Questions, Members Only Videos, Q&A by siteadmin
I was thinking the other day, “Man, I’ve been in a lot of Interviews and on a lot of Podcasts over the years.”
I decided More on Interviews and Podcasts I’ve Been a Part of
I was really upset after hearing advice that one of my coaching clients received from a health care professional, regarding what to do for a More on Minor Injuries and How to Keep Training
Filed under forearm pain injury prevention recovery, Injury Prevention, Members Only Videos by siteadmin