Todd writes:
“Hey Jedd,
This is probably not exactly what you were looking for, but I’ve always thought it would be cool if you filmed More on Training with Napalm’s Nightmare
TGA Heavy Handers,
It’s a pretty safe statement to make when I say the following:
NOTHING has been working for Two Hands Pinch for a More on What’s Working Now: Two Hands Pinch
Filed under grip contest competition contests competitions, Members Only Videos, pinch, Two Hand Pinch, What's Working Now by siteadmin
Filed under Members Only Videos, pinch, Two Hand Pinch by siteadmin
I felt that I should get some things off my chest regarding Nationals, so I made this video for all of you.
Basically, a year More on TGA Explanation
Filed under grip contest competition contests competitions, grip sport, Members Only Videos, Miscellaneous, pinch, Two Hand Pinch by siteadmin
Hello everyone. This is your Workout of the Month for May 2014.
Before you watch the WOM, though, PLEASE Watch this video:
Filed under Crush, Grippers, Members Only Videos, pinch, Two Hand Pinch by siteadmin
Brought to you by popular request, the February Workout of the Month covers Two Hands Pinch Training.
There are three parts to it. Whether you More on February WOM: Attacking Two Hands Pinch
Filed under grip contest competition contests competitions, grip sport, Members Only Videos, pinch, Two Hand Pinch, Workouts by siteadmin
I just posted the following post on and someone said they had never heard that I was selling these devices before.
While I haven’t More on Napalm Pinch Devices
Filed under grip contest competition contests competitions, grip sport, Members Only Special Offers, Two Hand Pinch by siteadmin
Filed under grip contest competition contests competitions, pinch, Two Hand Pinch by siteadmin