I wrote a short ebook called the Plate Pinch Hierarchy that I’m giving away as a free opt-in piece to build my newsletter.
I ran More on Free Ebook for TGA Members – Plate Pinch Hierarchy
Filed under Beginner Grip Training, Free TGA Products, Members Only Articles, pinch, Plate Pinching by siteadmin
Chaz came up and one of the feats he’s interested in is the 2x45s pinch, so I gave him a little walk-through of how I More on Walking Through 2x45s Pinch Technique with Chaz Strange
Filed under Feats of Strength, Members Only Videos, pinch, Plate Pinching, Technique by siteadmin
I learned this drill from Kody Burns at Gripmas. He said he does this a lot with the Euro 1 Hand Pinch.
He said it’s More on One Hand Pinch Rotational Training
Filed under Members Only Videos, One Hand Pinch, pinch, Plate Pinching, Two Hand Pinch by siteadmin
As I say in the video, there are several ways to get stronger: Lift more weight, Lift the same weight more times, etc.
Here, I More on A New Way to Measure Stronger – Isolated Plate Pinch
Filed under Members Only Videos, Open Hand Strength, pinch, Thumb Strength by siteadmin
This month’s video covers a feat that took me quite a time to accomplish: Pinch Gripping Two 45’s.
Pinching two 45’s is a feat More on December: Pinching Two 45’s
Filed under Members Only Videos, pinch, Thumb Strength by siteadmin