I wrote a short ebook called the Plate Pinch Hierarchy that I’m giving away as a free opt-in piece to build my newsletter.
I ran More on Free Ebook for TGA Members – Plate Pinch Hierarchy
Filed under Beginner Grip Training, Free TGA Products, Members Only Articles, pinch, Plate Pinching by siteadmin
Todd writes:
“Hey Jedd,
This is probably not exactly what you were looking for, but I’ve always thought it would be cool if you filmed More on Training with Napalm’s Nightmare
This video shows how I used the Couch Pad to prime my nervous system to go from struggling to break something off the ground, to More on How Boosts Can Help You Lift the Blob
Filed under Blob Training, Block Weight Training, Deloading, Feats of Strength, Loose Pinch, Members Only Videos, One Hand Pinch, Performance Tips, Plate Pinching, What's Working Now by siteadmin
Chaz came up and one of the feats he’s interested in is the 2x45s pinch, so I gave him a little walk-through of how I More on Walking Through 2x45s Pinch Technique with Chaz Strange
Filed under Feats of Strength, Members Only Videos, pinch, Plate Pinching, Technique by siteadmin
I shot this earlier in the month, but today is the first chance I have had to work on getting it posted.
I think I More on February 2023 Workout of the Month – Pinch Block – King Kong Part 1
Filed under Block Buster, Coaching Points, grip contest competition contests competitions, grip sport, IronMind Block, Members Only Videos, pinch, Pinch Block, Thumb Strength by siteadmin
I’ve pretty much stalled in my progress on the Finnish Ball, around 90#, right-handed. I wasn’t even training the left hand at all, but I More on New Finnish Ball Technique I’m Trying Out
Filed under Finnish Ball, grip contest competition contests competitions, grip sport, Key Pinch, King Kong of Grip, Members Only Videos, pinch, Stub, Technique, Thumb Strength by siteadmin