lift the inch
This is the Inch Builder Workout, currently exclusive to TGA Members, but it will soon be released outside of the site.
The purpose of this More on Inch Builder Workout
Filed under Inch Dumbbell, Thick Bar, Workouts by siteadmin
Password=520Inch123! <=Must include "!"
Part 1: Boosts
Password=520Inch123! <=Must include "!"
Part 2: Rolling Handle Deficit Deadlifts
Password=520Inch123! <=Must include "!"
Part 3: Negatives
Password=520Inch123! <=Must include "!"
Part 4: Wrist Curls
Password=520Inch123! <=Must include "!"
Password=520Inch123! <=Must include "!"
Filed under Crusher, Inch Dumbbell, Members Only Videos, Open Hand Strength, Thick Bar, Workouts, Wrist Wrench by siteadmin
Hello everyone.
Many new members have stated that one of their main goals is to train to lift the Inch Dumbbell. With that in mind, More on Training to Lift the Inch (Articles)
Tags: inch dumbbell, inch training, lift the inch
Filed under Feats of Strength, Members Only Articles, Open Hand Strength, Support, Thick Bar by siteadmin