Filed under grip contest competition contests competitions, grip sport, Member Questions, Members Only Videos, Mental Side by siteadmin
Question: I appreciate you covering how to select events for a well rounded grip contest. But that covers a lot of ground (Crush, Pinch, More on How to Prep and Peak for a Contest
Filed under grip contest competition contests competitions, grip sport, Member Questions, Members Only Videos, Q&A by siteadmin
When working an implement back into the regular rotation, the first problem I always have is figuring out a consistent grip set-up.
Today, I’m sharing More on Technique Adjustment on Fat Bastard Jug for Bigger Lifts
Filed under Anvil Trainers, Jug, King Kong of Grip, Little Big Horn, Members Only Videos by siteadmin
Tony is interested in competing in Grip Contests, and wants to know what all is required in order to compete, so I address this in More on What’s Required to Compete in a Grip Contest?
Filed under Beginner Grip Training, grip contest competition contests competitions, grip sport, Member Questions by siteadmin
Here is a list of things I consider important to have at a Grip Contest. This is just stuff I jotted down during a 5 More on What to Bring to a Grip Contest
Filed under Beginner Grip Training, grip contest competition contests competitions, grip sport, Members Only Articles by siteadmin
The videos below cover a rundown of my performance at NAGS Championship 2013 as well as things that I learned at the comp. Yes, 10 More on Nationals 2013 Rundown
Filed under grip contest competition contests competitions, grip sport, Members Only Videos by siteadmin
I recently got a review copy of Extreme Power with Isometrics by Bud Jeffries and Logan Christopher. I would say this is one of the More on Isometric Training for Two Hands Pinch
Filed under grip contest competition contests competitions, Grip Endurance, Members Only Articles, Members Only Videos, Plate Pinching, Two Hand Pinch by siteadmin
In this video, I do a few pulls on the Euro to demo how I perform the lift. I hope this helps.
Filed under Coaching Points, grip contest competition contests competitions, Members Only Videos, pinch, Thumb Strength, Two Hand Pinch by siteadmin
Check it out guys – I want you to be as prepared as possible for any contest you might join (if that is your interest) More on Intro to the Grip Topz
Filed under david horne, grip contest competition contests competitions, grip equipment, Members Only Videos, Product Reviews by siteadmin
Continuing this series, here are some of the changes I made (out of necessity) that led to me pushing the mark higher on the Two More on What’s Working Now – New 2HP Record
Filed under grip contest competition contests competitions, pinch, What's Working Now by siteadmin