Freestyle Hub is in King Kong this year. I have never trained this grip on the IronMind Hub, so I wasn’t sure about technique.
While I have ZERO interest in actually getting on an arm wrestling table and having a true match, there are some pretty cool drills More on 3 Arm Wrestling Drills Jedd Loves Mixing In From Time to Time
Filed under Arm Wrestling, Biceps, Exercise Demonstrations, Members Only Videos, Wrist by siteadmin
Hello TGA Guys and Gals!
Many of you have asked about Arm Wrestling Training over the last couple years.
I felt it was a good More on May 2017 WOM – Arm Wrestling Back Pressure Training
Filed under Arm Wrestling, forearm pain injury prevention recovery, Forearm Training, Hammer Training, Members Only Videos, Sledge Hammers, Workouts, Wrist by siteadmin
Interview with Allen Fisher: Arm Wrestling Considerations for Beginners
Allen’s YouTube Channel: Arm Wrestling Training
Allen’s Suggested Juicing Site: Energy Nutrition
Thanks, and all the More on Interview with Allen Fisher – Arm Wrestling Considerations for Beginners
Filed under Arm Wrestling, Interviews, Members Only Audio by siteadmin
I have been battling migraine’s since Wednesday, so I apologize for the delay in getting this posted.
However, I can assure you that the More on Arm Wrestling Coaching Call – Mark Vieira
Filed under Arm Wrestling, Coaching Calls, Member Questions, Members Only Special Offers by siteadmin